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8-bit colors,  58-62

256-color displays,  58-62

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About Application item (Help menu),  139

About boxes,  76

Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT),  16

accelerator keys. See keyboard shortcuts

access keys. See mnemonics

accessibility,  30-32
ease of use and,  30
JFC support for,  16-17
keyboard focus and,  32, 83-85
mnemonics and,  31-32, 88-90
multiplexing look and feel,  xxv
recommended reading,  xxvii-xxviii
tab traversal and,  32, 114
usability tests for,  32

active components, spacing of,  48-49

active windows
color design for borders,  40, 43
example,  5

alert boxes,  122-126
See also dialog boxes
capitalization of text in,  47
Error,  124-125
Info,  123
keyboard operations for,  194
platform-specific examples,  10
Question,  125-126
Warning,  10, 124

alignment. See spacing and alignment

Alt key,  82, 88-89

animation,  54-55
See also mouse-over feedback

applets,  27-29
browser windows and,  29
examples,  5, 10-12
JFC downloads with,  28
menus in,  29
mnemonics in,  29
recommended reading,  xxviii
security issues,  28-29

application graphics,  57-76
See also button graphics; colors; icons
About boxes,  76
corporate and product identity and,  73-76
GIF files and,  58-59
installation screens,  73
internationalization,  36, 62
Java look and feel style,  62
JPEG files and,  58, 73
splash screens,  73-75
symbols,  72
tree views,  189

application windows. See primary windows

applications, compared with applets,  xix, 5, 27-29

Apply button,  118

arrow keys,  82, 85, 86, 191

arrows. See arrow keys; indicators; scroll arrows

assistive technologies,  16-17, 31
See also accessibility

audience,  xix

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background canvas, color design for,  41, 43

Backspace key,  82

behavioral design,  77-90

bibliography,  xxii-xxviii

bit depth,  58

black, use in Java look and feel,  40, 42, 43, 44

blinking. See animation

blues, use in Java look and feel,  40-41, 43

in button graphics,  68, 143-144
color design for,  43
in icons,  64

boxes. See About boxes; alert boxes; checkboxes; combo boxes; dialog boxes

branding, for products,  73-76

browser windows,  5, 10-13, 29

button controls,  147, 148-156
See also button graphics; checkboxes; command buttons; mouse buttons; radio buttons; toggle buttons; toolbar buttons

button graphics,  66-72
See also spacing and alignment
borders in,  68, 143-144
drop-down arrows in,  144
use with text,  45, 142-143, 148, 150

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Cancel button,  75, 116-117

capitalization,  46-47

cascading menus. See submenus

case-sensitivity, in user input,  159

CDE look and feel,  24

cells in tables,  176-177, 180-182

channels (for scrollbars),  103

checkbox menu items,  135
example,  7
keyboard operations for,  196

checkboxes,  154-155
example,  9
font design for,  45
keyboard operations for,  192
in menus,  7, 135
spacing of,  48-49, 154-155
text with,  46-47, 154

choosers, color,  126-127

choosing menu items,  133

clicking,  77-78
See also dragging
Control-clicking,  80
double-clicking,  77, 80
as selection technique,  80
Shift-clicking,  80
triple-clicking,  77, 80

client properties,  18

Close button,  76, 116

close controls,  98, 99, 109, 110
See also window controls

Close item (File menu),  98, 137

collapse box. See window controls

color choosers,  126-127

color model,  4, 39-44

colors,  39-44
See also application graphics
black,  40, 42, 43, 44
blues,  40-41, 43
cross-platform,  57-62
dithering,  58, 60-62
graphic file formats and,  58-59
grays,  40, 42, 43, 44, 60
Java look and feel model,  39-44
primary,  40-41, 43-44
redefining,  44
secondary,  40, 41-42, 43-44
table of Java look and feel colors,  43
web-safe,  58, 60
white,  40, 42, 43, 44

columns in tables
reordering,  177
resizing,  178-179
selecting,  184-186

combo boxes,  156-159
capitalization of text with,  46-47
defined,  147
editable,  158-159
example,  9
internationalization,  36
keyboard operations for,  192
noneditable,  157-158

command buttons,  148-150
See also button graphics; default command buttons; toolbar buttons
in alert boxes,  122-123
Apply,  118
Cancel,  75, 116-117
Close,  76, 116
color design for,  41
ellipsis mark in,  150
examples,  8, 9
font design for,  45
Help,  116
keyboard operations for,  193
OK,  116-117
Reset,  118
spacing of,  122-123, 143-144, 151
text with,  46, 142-143, 148, 149, 150-151

Command key,  87

commands, menu. See menu items

common menus,  136-139

company logos,  73-76

components,  17-18
spacing between,  47-53
specifying look and feel of,  23-24
table of major JFC components,  19-22

containers,  95-110
See also dialog boxes; windows

content panes,  104-106

contextual menus,  139-140
See also menus
defined,  129
displaying,  80-81
keyboard operations for,  196

Control key,  7, 80, 82-88, 191

control type style, in Java look and feel,  43, 45

controls,  147-161
See also checkboxes; command buttons; radio buttons; sliders; toggle buttons; window controls
capitalization of text with,  46-47
in menus,  135-136

copyright information,  74, 76

corporate identity, graphics and,  73-76

crosshair pointers,  79

cross-platform colors,  57-62
See also colors

cross-platform delivery guidelines, defined,  xxii

cursors. See pointers

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data loss and alert boxes,  124

default colors,  40-43
See also colors

default command buttons,  149-150
See also command buttons
behavior of,  118-119
examples,  9, 10
mnemonics with,  113

default editor kit,  170, 200-201

default fonts,  45

default pointers,  79

delay feedback,  54-55, 121-122

Delete key,  82

design principles. See principles of design

desktop panes,  108-110, 112, 193-194

destination feedback,  82

dialog boxes,  111-127
See also command buttons; spacing and alignment; utility windows
capitalization of titles and text in,  47
command buttons in,  115-119
find,  120
initial keyboard focus in,  113
international considerations,  35
keyboard operations for,  194
login,  120
mnemonics in,  113
modes,  112
palette windows,  110
platform-specific examples,  8-9
preferences,  9, 113-114, 120-121
print,  121
progress,  54-55, 121-122
tab traversal in,  32, 114
titles for,  113
as top-level containers,  97-99

Dialog font,  45

dimmed text, color design for,  41, 43

disabilities. See accessibility

dithering,  58
in button graphics,  71
in icons,  65
prevention of,  60-62

dockable toolbars,  141-142

dots in menus. See ellipsis mark

double-clicking,  77, 80

downloading applets,  28

drag texture,  4, 8

drag-and-drop operations,  81-82

and dropping,  81-82
as selection technique,  77, 80
title bars,  109
toolbars,  141-142

drop-down arrows
See also indicators
for combo boxes,  156-158
for toolbar buttons,  144

drop-down menus,  131
See also menus
common,  136-139
defined,  129
displaying,  131
examples,  6-8
keyboard operations for,  196
titles of,  131
toolbar buttons and,  144

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ease of use. See principles of design

Edit menu,  138
example,  7
keyboard shortcuts in,  88
mnemonics in,  90

editable combo boxes,  158-159
See also combo boxes
example,  9
in login splash screens,  75

editable text fields,  9, 167-168

password fields,  169
selection techniques,  77, 80
tables,  177
text,  169-172
text fields,  167-168
tree views,  189

editor panes,  170-172
example,  8
keyboard operations for,  200-201

8-bit colors,  58-62

ellipsis mark
in command buttons,  150
in menu items,  134

End key,  82, 87

Enter key,  82, 86, 87, 149

Error alert boxes,  124-125

error messages,  47, 124-125

Escape key,  87, 89, 150

Exit item (File menu),  98, 137

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Federal Rehabilitation Act,  30

animation and,  54-55
while dragging,  82
mouse-over,  79, 145
pointer style as,  54, 78, 82, 106
progress bars,  160-161
progress dialog boxes,  54-55, 121-122
system status,  55

Ferret utility tool,  31

fields. See password fields; text fields

File menu,  137
Close item in,  137
Exit item in,  137
keyboard shortcuts in,  88
mnemonics in,  90
Preferences item in,  134

find dialog boxes,  120

flush 3D effects
See also application graphics
button graphics and,  67, 70
component spacing and,  48-49
default theme and,  41, 43
example,  3
icons and,  63-64, 65
symbols and,  62

See also text
international considerations,  37
redefining,  45
table of default fonts,  45

Format menu,  7, 138

formatted text panes. See editor panes

formatting classes,  37

function keys,  82

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GIF (Graphics Interchange Format),  58-59

glossary,  205-217

See also application graphics
in button graphics,  71-72
dithering added to,  61
in icons,  65

graphic conventions in this book,  xxi-xxii

graphic file formats,  58-59

Graphics Interchange Format (GIF),  58-59

graphics. See application graphics; button graphics; colors

grays, use in Java look and feel,  40, 42, 43, 44, 60

grids,  49-51

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hand pointers,  79

handicaps. See accessibility

headline capitalization style,  46-47

Help button,  116

Help menu,  139
About Application item in,  139
mnemonics in,  90

help messages, capitalization of,  47

hierarchical menus. See submenus

highlighting, color design for,  43

Home key,  82, 87

HTML banners,  10-11

HTML editor kits,  172, 194, 200-201

human interface principles. See principles of design

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I-beam pointer. See text pointers

icons,  63-66
See also application graphics
borders in,  64
capitalization of text with,  46-47
internationalization,  36, 62
selection,  77, 80

implementation tips, defined,  xxii

inactive components, spacing of,  48-49

inactive menu items, color design for,  43

inactive windows
color design for,  41, 43
example,  5

for combo boxes,  156-159
for submenus,  132
for toolbar buttons,  144
in tree views,  187

Info alert boxes,  123

informational symbols,  72

input focus. See keyboard focus

insertion point,  78, 80, 84

installation screens,  73

internal frames,  108-110
color design for,  40-41
keyboard operations for,  193-194

internationalization,  33-37
fonts and,  37
formatting classes and,  37
graphics and,  36, 62
JDK support for,  17
layout managers and,  35, 49
mnemonics and,  33, 36
placement of checkbox text,  154
placement of radio button text,  155
recommended reading,  xxvi-xxvii
resource bundles and,  35, 164
scrollbars and,  104
Stop button and,  122
testing in different locales,  37
text handling and,  17, 35-37, 49, 52

internationalization guidelines, defined,  xxii

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JApplet component. See applets

Java 2 SDK,  15-16

Java 2D API,  16

Java Accessibility API,  16
See also accessibility

Java Accessibility Utilities,  16

Java applets. See applets

Java Development Kit (JDK),  15-16

Java Foundation Classes (JFC)
downloading with applets,  28
features of,  15-18
table of major JFC components,  19-22

Java look and feel
color model,  39-44
compared to other designs,  23-24
defined,  15
design fundamentals,  3-4
fonts in,  45
keyboard operations in,  82-90
mouse operations in,  77-82
visual tour of,  4-13

Java look and feel standards, defined,  xxi

JavaHelp,  139

JButton component. See command buttons; toolbar buttons

JCheckbox component. See checkboxes

JCheckboxMenuItem component. See checkbox menu items

JColorChooser component. See color choosers

JComboBox component. See combo boxes

JDesktopPane component. See desktop panes

JDialog component. See dialog boxes

JDK (Java Development Kit),  15-16

JEditorPane component. See editor panes

JFC. See Java Foundation Classes

JFrame component. See primary windows

JInternalFrame component. See internal frames

JLabel component. See labels

JList component. See lists

JMenu component. See drop-down menus; submenus

JMenuBar component. See menu bars

JMenuItem component. See menu items

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG),  58, 73

JOptionPane component. See alert boxes

JPanel component. See panels

JPasswordField component. See password fields

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group),  58, 73

JPopupMenu component. See contextual menus

JProgressBar component. See progress bars

JRadioButton component. See radio buttons

JRadioButtonMenuItem component. See radio button menu items

JScrollBar component. See scrollbars

JScrollPane component. See scroll panes

JSeparator component. See separators

JSlider component. See sliders

JSplitPane component. See split panes

JTabbedPane component. See tabbed panes

JTable component. See tables

JTextArea component. See text areas

JTextField component. See text fields

JTextPane component. See editor panes

JToggleButton component. See toggle buttons

JToolBar component. See toolbars

JTooltip component. See tool tips

JTree component. See tree views

JWindow component. See plain windows

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key bindings. See keyboard operations

keyboard focus,  83-85
accessibility and,  32, 83-85
defined,  83

keyboard navigation and activation. See keyboard operations

keyboard operations,  83-90
See also keyboard shortcuts; mnemonics
for navigation and activation,  85-87
tables of,  191-203

keyboard shortcuts,  87-88
See also keyboard operations; mnemonics
defined,  83
duplicates in contextual menus,  140
duplicates in toolbar buttons,  145
example,  7
font design for,  45
in tool tips,  144
style in menus,  88, 130
table of common sequences,  88

Alt,  82, 88-89
arrow,  82, 85, 86, 191
Backspace,  82
Command,  87
Control,  7, 80, 82-88, 191
Delete,  82
End,  82, 87
Enter and Return,  82, 86, 87, 149
Escape,  87, 89, 150
function,  82
Home,  82, 87
Meta,  87
modifier,  82, 85-89
Option,  82
Page Down,  82, 86
Page Up,  82, 86
Shift,  80, 82, 85, 191
spacebar,  85, 87
Tab,  85, 86, 191

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labels,  164-166
See also text
active and inactive,  165
capitalization of,  46-47
color design for,  40-41, 43
communicating status with,  166
example,  9
identifying controls with,  164-166
internationalization and,  52
mnemonics in,  166
spacing and alignment of,  52, 53, 165

layers. See containers

layout managers,  35, 49, 101

layout. See spacing and alignment

legal requirements
About boxes,  76
accessibility and,  30
splash screens,  75

list boxes. See combo boxes

lists,  173-175
keyboard operations for,  195
scrolling in,  174
selection in,  80, 174-175

localization,  33-37
See also internationalization

login dialog boxes,  120

login splash screens,  75

look and feel designs,  23-24
See also Java look and feel

lower-level containers,  101-108
See also panels; scroll panes; split panes; tabbed panes

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Macintosh look and feel,  24

MDI (multiple document interface),  108-110, 112

menu bars,  130-131
in applets,  29
example,  6
keyboard operations for,  196

menu items,  132-136
See also keyboard shortcuts; menus; mnemonics
About Application (Help menu),  139
available and unavailable,  133
capitalization of,  46
checkbox,  135
choosing,  133
Close (File menu),  98, 137
color design for,  40-41, 42, 43, 130
ellipsis mark in,  134
example,  7
Exit (File menu),  98, 137
highlighted,  133
keyboard operations for,  196
Preferences (File menu),  134
radio button,  136
in submenus,  132
table of common keyboard shortcuts,  88
table of common mnemonics,  90

menu separators,  7, 134, 136

menu titles,  131
See also keyboard shortcuts; menu items; menus; mnemonics
capitalization of,  46
color design for,  40-41, 42, 43, 130
example,  6
font design for,  45
order of,  136

menus,  129-146
See also contextual menus; drop-down menus; keyboard shortcuts; menu bars; menu items; menu titles; mnemonics; submenus
applets and,  29
choosing items,  133
color design for,  40-41, 42, 43, 130
common in Java look and feel,  136-139
displaying,  131
Edit,  7, 88, 90, 138
ellipsis mark in,  134
File,  88, 90, 134, 137
Format,  7, 138
Help,  90, 139
keyboard operations for,  196
Object,  137
order of,  136
separators,  7, 134, 136
types of,  129
View,  139

Meta key,  87

Metal. See Java look and feel

MetalEdit application,  5-10

Microsoft Windows look and feel,  24

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions),  82

minimized internal frames,  109-110, 193

minimized windows, example,  5

mnemonics,  88-90
See also keyboard operations; keyboard shortcuts
accessibility and,  31-32, 88-90
in applets,  29
defined,  83
in dialog boxes,  113
examples,  7, 9
international considerations,  33, 36
in labels,  9, 166
table of common assignments,  90

modal dialog boxes,  112

modeless dialog boxes,  112

models (in components),  17-18

modifier keys,  82, 85-89
See also keyboard shortcuts; mnemonics

mouse buttons,  77-78

mouse operations,  77-82
See also dragging
clicking,  77-78, 80
displaying contextual menus,  80-81

mouse-over feedback,  79, 145

move pointers,  79

multiplatform design, recommended reading,  xxvi

multiple document interface (MDI),  108-110, 112

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navigation,  85-87
See also keyboard shortcuts; mnemonics
accessibility considerations,  31, 32
between components,  191
tab traversal,  32, 114
tables of keyboard operations,  191-204

nested panes,  106, 107-108

nodes, in tree views,  187-188

noneditable combo boxes,  157-158
See also combo boxes

noneditable text fields,  167
See also text fields

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Object menu,  137

OK button,  116-117

option buttons. See radio buttons

Option key,  82

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padding. See spacing and alignment

Page Down key,  82, 86

Page Up key,  82, 86

palette windows,  110
See also dialog boxes

palettes, color,  58, 59, 60
See also color choosers; colors

panels,  51-52, 101

panes. See scroll panes; split panes; tabbed panes

password fields,  168-169

plain windows,  73-75, 99-100

platform-specific design, recommended reading,  xxiv-xxvi

pluggable look and feel architecture,  17-18
See also Java look and feel

plug-in editor kits. See editor panes

pointers,  78-79
changing shape of,  54, 78, 82, 106
table of JDK types,  79

pop-up menus. See combo boxes; contextual menus

pop-up windows. See dialog boxes

posting menus,  131, 133

pre-dithered gradients,  60-61, 65, 71-72
See also application graphics

preferences dialog boxes,  9, 113-114, 120-121

Preferences item (File menu),  134

primary colors, in Java look and feel,  40-41, 43-44

primary windows,  95-98
See also windows
defined,  93
platform-specific examples,  5, 6

principles of design,  27-37
accessibility,  30-32
applets and,  28-29
internationalization and,  33-37
recommended reading,  xxii-xxiii

print dialog boxes,  121

product names,  74, 76

progress bars,  160-161
color design for,  40-41
defined,  147

progress dialog boxes,  55, 121-122

progress feedback,  54, 121-122, 160-161
See also feedback

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Question alert boxes,  125-126

Quit. See Exit item

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radio button menu items,  135-136
example,  7
keyboard operations for,  196

radio buttons,  155-156
capitalization of text with,  47
example,  9
keyboard operations for,  196
in menus,  135-136
spacing of,  156

reading order and localization,  35

recommended reading,  xxii-xxviii

Reset button,  118

resize pointers,  79

resource bundles,  35, 164

Retirement Savings Calculator applet,  10-13

Return key,  82, 86, 87, 149

reverse video,  43

rollovers. See mouse-over feedback

rows in tables
selecting,  182-184
sorting,  179

RTF editor kit,  171

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screen readers,  16
See also accessibility

scroll arrows,  103-104

scroll boxes,  102
color design for,  40-41
example,  8

scroll panes,  8, 102-103, 169-170

scrollbars,  102-104
example,  8
in lists,  174
in tables,  177
internationalization considerations,  104
keyboard operations for,  197

secondary colors, in Java look and feel,  40, 41-42, 43-44

secondary menus. See submenus

secondary windows,  93, 98-99
See also dialog boxes

security of information, in applets,  28-29

selection,  77, 80
of list items,  174-175
of table cells,  180-182
of table columns,  184-186
of table rows,  182-184

sentence capitalization style,  47

separators,  7, 134, 136

shadows, color design for,  41, 43

Shift key,  80, 82, 85, 191

shortcut keys. See keyboard shortcuts

shortcut menus. See contextual menus

sliders,  159-160
capitalization of text with,  47
defined,  147
drag texture in,  85
example,  12
keyboard operations for,  197

small type style, in Java look and feel,  43, 45

sorting order and localization,  37

spacebar,  85, 87

spacing and alignment,  47-53
in alert boxes,  122
inside button graphics,  66-72
of checkboxes,  48-49, 154-155
of command buttons,  122-123, 151
between components,  48-49
design grids and,  49-50
in dialog boxes,  50-51, 115
internationalization and,  49
of labels,  52, 53, 165
layout managers and,  35, 49, 101
of radio buttons,  156
of scrollbars,  103
in tables,  177
of text,  49, 52-53
of titled borders,  51-52
of toggle buttons,  152-153
of toolbar buttons,  143

splash screens,  73-75, 99-100

split panes,  106-108
drag texture in,  85
keyboard operations for,  198

splitter bars,  107

standard menus. See drop-down menus

Stop button,  122

styled text editor kit,  170-171, 200-201

submenus,  132
See also menus
defined,  129
keyboard operations for,  196

Swing. See Java Foundation Classes

symbols,  62

system colors,  59

system status feedback,  55

system type style, in Java look and feel,  43, 45

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Tab key,  85, 86, 191

tab traversal,  32, 114

tabbed panes,  104-106
capitalization of tab names,  47
keyboard operations for,  198

tables,  176-186
cell background color,  176
editing cells,  177
example,  12
font design for,  45
format options,  177
keyboard operations for,  199-200
reordering columns,  177
resizing columns,  178-179
scrolling in,  177
selecting cells,  180-182
selecting columns,  184-186
selecting rows,  182-184
selection techniques in,  80
sorting rows,  179

text,  163-172
See also editor panes; fonts; labels; password fields; text areas; text fields
in buttons,  143, 149, 151
capitalization in interface,  46-47
color design for,  43
direction of,  17
internationalization and,  17, 34-37, 49, 52
selection,  77, 80
spacing and alignment,  49, 52-53
use in labels,  52

text areas,  169-170, 200-201

text fields,  167-168
capitalization of labels with,  47
in combo boxes,  158, 159
examples,  9, 12
font design for,  45
keyboard operations for,  202
in sliders,  160

text pointers,  79

themes,  23, 39-45

three-dimensional effects. See flush 3D effects

title bars
alert box examples,  10
capitalization of text in,  47
color design for,  41, 43
dialog box examples,  9
dragging,  109
window examples,  6

titled borders,  51-52

toggle buttons,  152-153
See also button graphics; command buttons; toolbar buttons
example,  8
keyboard operations for,  202

tool tips,  145-146
capitalization of,  47
font design for,  45
keyboard operations for,  203
timing of,  146
for toolbar buttons,  144

toolbar buttons,  142-145
See also button graphics; command buttons; toggle buttons
examples,  6, 8
graphics in,  66-67
with menus,  144
spacing of,  143
text in,  143
tool tips for,  143

toolbars,  140-145
docking,  141-142
examples,  6, 8
keyboard operations for,  203
spacing of buttons in,  143
tool tips for,  144

top-level containers,  97-100
See also dialog boxes; plain windows; primary windows; utility windows

trademarks,  74, 76

translating text,  34-36, 49, 52, 122

tree views,  187-189
font design for,  45
keyboard operations for,  203-204

triangles. See indicators

triple-clicking,  77, 80

turners,  187-188

type styles, in Java look and feel,  45

typography. See fonts; text

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unavailable items in menus,  133

usability testing
accessibility issues,  32
internationalization,  37

user type style, in Java look and feel,  43, 45

utility windows,  100
defined,  93
keyboard operations for,  194

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version numbers, in About box,  76

vertical spacing. See spacing and alignment

View menu,  139

visual design,  39-55
See also application graphics; spacing and alignment

visual identifiers, product,  74, 76

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wait pointers,  79

Warning alert boxes,  10, 124

warning symbols,  72

web. See applets

web-safe colors,  58, 60

white, use in Java look and feel,  40, 42, 43, 44

window controls
close controls,  98, 99, 109, 110
in internal frames,  108-109
in plain windows,  99-100
platform-specific examples,  6
in primary windows,  97-98

windows,  93-110
See also dialog boxes
active,  5, 40, 43
browser,  5, 10-13, 29
capitalization of titles,  47
color design for,  40-41, 43
frames and,  22
keyboard focus,  83
keyboard operations for,  193-194
in MDIs,  108-110
palette,  110
panels and panes in,  51-52, 101-108
plain,  73-75, 99-100
platform-specific examples,  5, 6
primary,  93, 95-98
secondary,  93, 98-99
as top-level containers,  97-100
utility,  93, 100

Windows. See Microsoft Windows look and feel

word order and localization,  36

word wrap, in text areas,  169-170

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zoom box. See window controls

zooming panes,  107  :  Design Guidelines Previous  |  Next  |  Contents  |  Index  |  Search

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